Thursday13 March 2025

Majestic and ancient: 7 megalithic sites that outshine Stonehenge (with photos).

One of the most renowned megalithic monuments is Stonehenge; however, there are other structures that are even more magnificent. Some of these surpass it in size, while others are older.
Древние и впечатляющие: 7 мегалитических памятников, которые превосходят Стоунхендж (фото)

While Stonehenge is arguably the most famous megalithic monument, it is neither the oldest nor the largest. Göbekli Tepe in Turkey dates back over 11,000 years, more than double the age of Stonehenge, and Avebury in England boasts a much larger stone circle than Stonehenge, writes Live Science.

Göbekli Tepe

мегалит, камни, валун, история, сооружение, памятник, участок, археологи, археология, круг, захоронение, курган, церемониальные практика, Стоунхендж5

Göbekli Tepe, which is over 11,000 years old, is a complex of intricately constructed megalithic structures. Located in southeastern Turkey, this monument was built during a time when people were primarily hunter-gatherers.

Tall T-shaped stone pillars, some reaching up to 5.5 meters, are adorned with carved images of animals—snakes, griffins, and gazelles—along with abstract symbols and anthropomorphic figures.

The purpose of Göbekli Tepe remains a topic of debate, with theories ranging from ceremonial use to communal gatherings.


мегалит, камни, валун, история, сооружение, памятник, участок, археологи, археология, круг, захоронение, курган, церемониальные практика, Стоунхендж6

Avebury, situated in southwestern England, features the largest known stone circle, with a diameter of approximately 420 meters. Within the main circle lie two smaller circles, each about 100 meters in diameter.

Dated to around 2500 BC, Avebury is part of a broader megalithic landscape. Researchers have discovered avenues of standing stones extending from Avebury, linking it to other ancient sites.

The Ring of Brodgar

мегалит, камни, валун, история, сооружение, памятник, участок, археологи, археология, круг, захоронение, курган, церемониальные практика, Стоунхендж7

Located in the Orkney Islands of Scotland, the Ring of Brodgar was constructed around 2500 BC. Its stone circle has a diameter of 104 meters and originally consisted of 60 stones, 36 of which still stand today.

Nearby, there are 13 burial mounds, indicating its significance in burial and ceremonial practices.

The Stones of Noh

мегалит, камни, валун, история, сооружение, памятник, участок, археологи, археология, круг, захоронение, курган, церемониальные практика, Стоунхендж8

The Stones of Noh in Sweden consist of 59 boulders arranged in the shape of a ship near the town of Koseberg.

These stones, some weighing up to 1,800 kilograms, are estimated to be between 1,000 and 2,500 years old. Scholars believe they may have been used as a solar calendar or as part of ritual practices.

Rujm al-Hiri

мегалит, камни, валун, история, сооружение, памятник, участок, археологи, археология, круг, захоронение, курган, церемониальные практика, Стоунхендж9

Rujm al-Hiri, located in the Golan Heights, dates back approximately 6,000 years. This enigmatic site consists of concentric stone circles with a central mound.

Often referred to as the "Wheel of Spirits," it likely served as a burial site for prominent individuals. Some researchers suggest an astronomical function, although evidence remains inconclusive.

The Spanish Stonehenge

мегалит, камни, валун, история, сооружение, памятник, участок, археологи, археология, круг, захоронение, курган, церемониальные практика, Стоунхендж0

The Dolmen of Guadalperal, known as the "Spanish Stonehenge," is a 7,000-year-old structure submerged in an artificial lake in western Spain.

It comprises approximately 150 stones arranged in an oval pattern, some exceeding 1.8 meters in height. A large stone, featuring carvings of a person and a river, marks the entrance.

The Carnac Stones

мегалит, камни, валун, история, сооружение, памятник, участок, археологи, археология, круг, захоронение, курган, церемониальные практика, Стоунхендж1

Located in Brittany, France, the Carnac Stones consist of nearly 3,000 stones arranged in rows and circles. Adding to the mystery is the tallest stone, standing alone at a height of 6.5 meters.

It is believed that many of the stones, erected around 6,000 years ago, mark burial sites, although their full significance remains uncertain.

These megalithic wonders showcase the complexity of ancient societies, their understanding of the environment, and the cultural importance of places for communal gatherings. They stand as timeless testaments to human creativity and curiosity.

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