Wednesday15 January 2025

Rare and risky: Scientists have discovered which blood type is most susceptible to developing dementia.

Many diseases are often predetermined by our genetics. However, researchers have recently found that, in addition to genetics, there is a predisposition to certain dangerous illnesses linked to specific blood types.
Ученые обнаружили, что определенная группа крови имеет высокий риск развития деменции, что делает её редкой и опасной.

A study involving over 30,000 participants has revealed a significant link between blood type AB and cognitive impairments that may precede dementia. Such findings could serve as a basis for future diagnostic and preventive methods for this condition before it develops into a devastating complication, reports PsyBlog.

The research, published in the journal Neurology by Dr. Mary Cushman, a professor of hematology at the University of Vermont and the study's author, demonstrated that individuals with this relatively rare blood type, which occurs in about 4% of the population, are 82% more likely to experience memory and thinking problems associated with dementia. Over a period of three and a half years, researchers observed cognitive impairments in 495 participants.

The data obtained was then compared with a control group of 587 individuals who did not exhibit similar symptoms. Dr. Cushman noted that blood type is also associated with other vascular diseases, such as stroke, illustrating a clear connection between vascular health and brain function. Despite these findings, experts caution that lifestyle factors, such as diet, physical activity, and smoking cessation, have a much greater impact on cognitive health than blood type alone.

The study serves more as an early warning sign than as conclusive evidence of a causal relationship, and the authors urge individuals with blood type AB not to be overly concerned. Vascular issues have long been recognized as a significant factor affecting brain health, with high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol being key risk factors for the development of dementia.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, and this number is expected to rise to 78 million by 2030. Many healthcare systems continue to focus on modifiable and manageable lifestyle factors to mitigate this growing threat.

This material is for informational purposes only and does not contain advice that may affect your health. If you are experiencing issues, please consult a specialist.