Sunday16 February 2025

A unique experience: scientists have captured a glimpse of the world through the eyes of a penguin for the first time in history (video).

Researchers have finally succeeded in transforming digital data into tangible measurements, allowing us to see the world through the eyes of seabirds.
Уникальное погружение: ученые впервые зафиксировали мир глазами пингвина (видео).

Our planet is home to an astonishing number of species: some are well-studied, while others remain a mystery. In a new study, researchers have gained a unique opportunity — for the first time in history, we were able to view the world through the eyes of penguins, as reported by Popular Science.

The discovery was made by an international group of researchers who developed PenguCams — a new system of cameras mounted on animals. The authors of the study believe that their work will help track how much food marine birds need to consume, where they find fish, and how much energy these birds expend to catch their prey. The researchers note that they achieved unique results.

During the study, scientists utilized PenguCams and Crittercam from National Geographic, which were installed on the animals. It is expected that these observations will provide us with data about the behavior of marine birds that we typically cannot observe otherwise. For instance, how penguins interact with their prey.

Previously, scientists had to collect bird fecal samples and examine the contents of their stomachs. However, the new method unveils previously unknown aspects — for example, we now understand for the first time how challenging hunting is for marine birds. Understanding how an animal hunts and how much prey it requires can help scientists comprehend why a particular species searches for food only in specific locations.

The researchers attached small lightweight cameras to Humboldt, Tawaaki, and royal penguins in New Zealand. They then used the known distance between the penguin's beak and the camera to determine a correction factor — a number that adjusts the observed value.

The authors of the study note that the correction factor they developed is a method for converting pixel measurements in the recorded material into actual sizes. This allowed scientists to capture still images just before the prey was consumed. Additionally, the researchers were able to measure the length and height of the prey in pixels and then convert this data into millimeters. This enables scientists to estimate how much energy a penguin gains from each foraging trip.

The scientists tested the video footage using a reference object at various distances, water salinities, and angles. They then used this data to create linear models predicting correction factors for distances beyond the tested range. This new correction factor accounts for the distance traveled, refraction, and distortion, offering a practical tool for estimating size underwater.

The results indicate that correction factors vary significantly between air and water environments — this occurs due to differences in light refraction. At the same time, the factors remain consistent in both saltwater and freshwater.

According to co-author of the study and University of Otago student Owen Dabkovski, he and his team have developed an entirely new method for studying marine predators using footage captured from animal cameras. The correction factor allows for measurements directly from the video material using a simple method — this is an innovative technology.