Wednesday12 February 2025

An unusual "super pod" of stout dolphins was spotted off the coast, surprising scientists (video).

Researchers note that the flock consisted of approximately 1,500 individuals and stretched over several kilometers.
У побережья обнаружили уникальное "супервойско" коренастых дельфинов, что стало неожиданностью для ученых (видео).

The ocean covers more than half of the planet's surface, and dolphins are not an unusual sight in it, but this time was different. Researchers spotted an astonishingly large pod of dolphins consisting of around 1,500 individuals, stretching for several kilometers, according to

This incredible gathering of dolphins was observed off the central coast of California. According to researcher Evan Brodsky from Monterey Bay Whale Watch, the remarkable footage was captured using a drone.

The thing is, Risso's dolphins, which the scientists observed, typically travel in groups of only 10-30 individuals. Experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration believe that witnessing such a large congregation of Risso's dolphins is indeed unusual.

Brodsky noted that he and his colleagues went out to sea in search of gray whales, but ended up observing a mass of dolphins leaping out of the bay repeatedly. It’s worth mentioning that Risso's dolphins are a type of dolphin with quite robust bodies and a prominent forehead; they can weigh up to about 499 kilograms and reach lengths of up to 3.9 meters.

According to marine biologist Colin Talty, the most intriguing aspect of this situation seems to be the sheer number of dolphins that scientists were able to observe in one location. The researchers watched as the dolphins swam ahead of the vessel, using the waves to propel themselves forward—a technique known as bow riding.

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The dolphins were having a great time: leaping out of the water, slapping their tails, and showing no fear in approaching the research boat—it seemed as if the mammals were having a party off the coast of California. Scientists are unsure why so many dolphins gathered together, but Talty believes that the "super pod" resulted from the merging of several smaller pods moving south.

The researchers note that such behavior among dolphins is unusual; however, this is not the first time scientists have witnessed something similar. The coastline of Monterey is particularly ideal for dolphin watching because they prefer very deep waters. The underwater canyon in this area allows them to come much closer to shore than in other parts along the California coast.

Brodsky mentioned that initially, he and his colleagues thought there were only a few hundred dolphins, but when the scientists launched the drone, the scale of the "super pod" astonished them. While the dolphins continued to interact with the boat, the team moved straight ahead, trying not to disturb them.