Monday09 December 2024

Temperature readings: Experts clarify what the numbers on the refrigerator dial actually mean.

Experts at the forum clarified that the dial indeed regulates the temperature inside the refrigerator. However, it does not correspond to a precise degree measurement.
Не температура: эксперты объяснили, что означают цифры на регуляторе холодильника.

Each of us uses a refrigerator and may have noticed the dial inside with numbers. Most people assume that this indicates the number of degrees set for the temperature, but that is far from the truth, according to the British publication Express.

The media points out that these numbers do not actually represent the temperature settings in degrees. While the dial does regulate the temperature inside the refrigerator, it does not pertain to the exact degree count.

In reality, the numbers on the dial indicate the power level of the refrigerator's cooling mode. Thus, higher numbers mean a colder operating mode for your refrigerator, rather than lower numbers.

Reddit users discussed this matter and believe it can be described most accurately as follows: a setting of 1 is the most energy-efficient way to cool food, and the higher the number, the more intense the cooling mode will be.

Some users speculated that the number one corresponds to one degree Celsius; however, in modern refrigerators, this operates quite differently. For instance, if you set the wrong mode for food storage, you can expect more ice to accumulate on the back wall from setting it higher than necessary.

Indeed, some users mentioned that they do not understand how to properly adjust the dial for the desired setting. Some contributors suggest turning the dial until you hear the refrigerator humming or shutting off.

"If the compressor is already on (you'll usually hear a buzzing sound), and you turn it to a higher setting and it shuts off (you'll hear a click and a slight clank), you are overheating it. It only shuts off when a higher cooling mode is already set," wrote a user who claimed to have been troubleshooting this appliance for 10 years.

Several users noted that they now understand that setting the refrigerator was not an easy task before, but it has become clearer what needs to be done.

We also discussed how to preserve food without a refrigerator and what to know about blackout power. Extended power outages impact all areas of life, particularly nutrition. In situations where refrigerators operate for only 6-8 hours a day, food spoils, and the number of foodborne illnesses increases.