Saturday08 February 2025

A coronal hole measuring 800,000 km has emerged on the Sun. What risks does it pose to our planet? (photo included)

Astronomers anticipate the arrival of a geomagnetic storm and vibrant auroras on our planet as charged particles from the Sun reach Earth.
На Солнце образовалась корональная дыра шириной 800 000 км: какие угрозы она представляет для Земли (фото)

Scientists have discovered a massive coronal hole on the Sun, measuring 800,000 km in width, which is directing a high-speed solar wind towards our planet. This coronal hole has formed in the atmosphere of our star, and the emitted stream of charged solar particles could trigger a geomagnetic storm on Earth as early as January 31, reports Space.

Coronal holes are areas in the Sun's atmosphere where the magnetic field opens up, allowing the solar wind—comprising streams of charged particles from the Sun—to escape freely into space. On images, coronal holes appear as dark spots on the Sun because the hot, glowing plasma that is typically contained within magnetic fields is no longer held back and instead bursts out into space.

The coronal hole, which is 62 times larger than Earth's diameter, has released a powerful solar wind traveling towards our planet at speeds exceeding 500 km/s. Astronomers believe that this stream of charged particles will reach Earth on January 31 and may cause a moderately strong G1-level geomagnetic storm. Geomagnetic storms are classified into five levels based on their intensity, with G5 being the most extreme and powerful, while G1 is the weakest.

Солнце корональная дыра

Even though a G1-level geomagnetic storm is expected on Earth, it may enhance the auroras, making them brighter and visible even at mid-latitudes, significantly south of the polar regions of our planet.

The auroras occur when the solar wind interacts with Earth's magnetic field. Charged particles ejected from the Sun collide with gases in the upper layers of our planet's atmosphere, such as oxygen and nitrogen, transferring energy to them. This energy is released in the form of light, which we perceive as the aurora. The stronger the solar wind, the more vibrant and expansive the auroras can become.

At the same time, space weather is unpredictable and difficult to forecast, much like weather on Earth. Therefore, the geomagnetic storm could be much stronger than anticipated, or it may not occur at all on January 31.