Wednesday12 March 2025

Unexpected activity has been discovered on the Moon, altering our understanding of its history (photo included).

Scientists previously believed that the Moon was long dead in terms of geological activity, but new research indicates otherwise.
На Луне зафиксирована неожиданная активность, что меняет наше восприятие ее истории (фото)

The Moon may appear lifeless in terms of geological activity, suggesting that no changes are occurring there, but scientists have discovered evidence of activity that existed just 14 million years ago. It is possible that this activity is ongoing. This finding alters our understanding of the Moon's evolution. The research was published in The Planetary Science Journal, as reported by ScienceAlert.

Researchers have long sought to unravel the complex geological and evolutionary history of the Moon. It formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago from debris from Earth and was initially covered in hot magma. Around 3 billion years ago, the Moon's surface began to cool. Since then, volcanic activity on the Moon has significantly diminished, and lava has begun to solidify on the surface, occasionally altered by asteroid impacts.

The available data regarding the seas on the Moon, which are the dark areas formed by solidified lava, indicate that the Moon underwent significant contraction billions of years ago, leading to considerable volcanic activity. It was previously believed that the ridges found on the near side of the Moon were created during this contraction, implying that no activity has occurred on the surface of Earth's satellite since then. However, new research suggests that the Moon was geologically more active recently than previously thought, and this activity may still be ongoing.


According to scientists, it is believed that most geological movements on the Moon occurred 2.5 to 3 billion years ago. Yet, the study reveals that geological activity has persisted over the last billion years. The smaller ridges in the lunar seas formed during the last 160 million years, with the youngest of them appearing just 14 million years ago.

Scientists employed advanced mapping and modeling techniques to identify 266 small ridges on the far side of the Moon that were previously unknown. It turns out these ridges are much younger than similar features on the near side of the Moon.

Researchers believe that the lunar seas were formed when asteroids striking the Moon's surface caused extensive melting and the outpouring of lava that filled ancient impact craters. The far side of the Moon has endured more of these impacts than the near side, and some data suggest that the far side cooled more quickly. However, new research indicates that this may not be the case.

According to scientists, some of the identified ridges were formed as a result of very recent geological events. The age of these ridges aligns well with younger, ridge-like features that formed due to the ongoing global contraction of the Moon as it cools.

Scientists have determined that the ridges on the far side of the Moon are structurally similar to those found on the near side. This suggests they were formed by the same processes. Given that small earthquakes have previously been detected on the Moon, these small ridges may be linked to similar seismic activity.