Underneath them lie our desires, what we hope will be painted on a blank canvas deep in our hearts - these New Year's wishes hold power because they are driven by our longing.
Our desires are strong when we honor and take them seriously. Right now, I am merging my energy with yours and envisioning all your New Year's wishes coming true. Here are three steps to help make that happen.
Release. Whatever may have happened in your life in 2024, it’s time to let it go.
You may have faced financial difficulties; many people suffered economically last year. Perhaps you lost your job or even your home. Maybe important relationships came to an end.
Take a sheet of paper and cut it into strips. On each strip, write down one painful experience you endured in 2024. Write everything, every challenging event.
Once you feel you have poured out everything from your heart onto the paper, find a metal or ceramic bowl. Place the strips of paper in the bowl and burn them. Let go of each of these painful events, thank them for the lessons they taught you, and release them. The past is over.
Celebrate. Now take a notebook and write down everything that happened in 2024 that you are grateful for.
Spend some time on your list. The more we appreciate the good things, the more good comes into our lives. Then set your notebook aside and allow yourself to celebrate. Thank God (however you understand God) for the richness of your life. Close your eyes and let yourself feel joy.
Visualize. Take your notebook and on a clean page write:
“I decree this or something better for the highest good of all concerned in Divine timing.”
Now write down each of your New Year's wishes. Phrase them as simple, straightforward positive affirmations, each separated by a line.
A good way to articulate all your wishes is to think about what you want to do, who you want to be, and what you want to have in the new year of 2025.