During a state of martial law and mobilization, military territorial recruitment centers (TCK) have the authority to check military registration documents and issue summonses; however, the right to detain mobilization violators belongs exclusively to the police.

Lawyers from INSEININ explained that men must be registered for military service at their place of residence and must report to the TCK upon receiving a summons. Ignoring the summons can result in administrative or even criminal liability.

"Those who evade compliance with military registration rules are subject to administrative penalties. For this purpose, the police conduct administrative searches and transport violators to the local TCK," the specialists noted.


Detention of registration violators must be carried out solely by police officers and occurs in the following situations:

Violations of military registration rules are identified in the registry.

The man does not possess military registration documents.

He is not registered or has been removed from the registry.

There is evidence of evasion of duty, such as failing to appear in response to a summons.

Ignoring the directive to undergo a military medical commission (VLC).

It should be noted that military TCKs do not have the authority to forcibly detain individuals. Men who are forcibly taken to the TCK or SP and refuse to undergo VLC or mobilization can formally decline in writing and demand immediate release. If the military continues to detain the individual, the only appropriate action is to contact the police with a report of unlawful detention.

мобилизация, тцк, призыв, повестка

However, it is important to remember that after being released from the TCK, a person can no longer evade conscription.