Sunday16 February 2025

Astronomers have finally discovered the cause of the massive planetary dust storms on Mars.

The study suggests that one of the characteristics of the southern hemisphere of the Red Planet directly influences the occurrence of dust storms.
Астрономы раскрыли причину масштабных пылевых бурь на Марсе.

The strongest dust storms envelop Mars for several months. Scientists have discovered that these global dust storms may be linked to an unusual energy imbalance found on the surface of the Red Planet. The study has been published in the journal AGU Advances, reports Live Science.

All planets in the Solar System absorb energy from the Sun but also release it back into space. The difference between the energy absorbed and emitted is known as thermal balance. This directly influences the thermal characteristics of the planets' surfaces and atmospheres, thereby determining their climates.

Scientists are well aware of Earth's thermal balance, which is stable since our planet absorbs approximately as much solar energy as it emits into space over the course of a year. Much less is known about Mars' thermal balance, although theories suggest it is also balanced.

One of the most well-known weather phenomena on the Red Planet is the global dust storms that envelop Mars and occur in the southern hemisphere. Researchers aimed to uncover their causes and concluded that thermal balance plays a significant role in this process.

The authors of the study utilized data from rovers and orbiters regarding the energy that Mars absorbed and emitted over several years.

Scientists found that when spring and summer arrive in Mars' northern hemisphere, the surface in the northern latitudes absorbs more energy than it releases. This creates an excess of energy concentrated at the planet's north pole. Conversely, when winter arrives in the northern hemisphere and spring and summer in the southern hemisphere, the excess energy is concentrated closer to the south pole and encompasses the entire southern hemisphere. Researchers believe this occurs because during spring, Mars' southern hemisphere is closest to the Sun, thus receiving more solar energy.

The excess energy leads to the formation of global dust storms, according to scientists. As the southern hemisphere of Mars warms, the thin layer of Mars' atmosphere in contact with the planet's surface also heats up. This creates conditions that can lift dust particles, resulting in intense dust storms.

Astronomers have also concluded that dust storms affect Mars' thermal balance. Data analysis showed that dust storms reduce the amount of heat absorbed and emitted by the planet. This is likely due to the high concentration of dust particles in the atmosphere.

At the same time, despite seasonal fluctuations, Mars' thermal balance is approximately stable, although it differs from that of Earth, the scientists say.