Sunday09 March 2025

An unknown glow has been spotted in the Kharkiv region, and experts have suggested potential explanations for it (photo included).

Local residents captured footage of an unidentified object, which has quickly been dubbed the "Eye of Sauron" on social media. However, researchers of cosmic phenomena suggest that this occurrence has a rather simple and familiar explanation.
В Харьковской области зафиксировали загадочное свечение. Специалисты предполагают, что это может быть. (фото)

In the Kharkiv region, residents of several localities captured photos of an unknown glow with a dark yellowish hue. The relevant images were shared by local social media pages.

Some users have already dubbed this phenomenon the "Eye of Sauron," which resonates with the name of a galaxy. However, according to open sources, the galaxy in question, NGC 4151, known as the "Eye of Sauron" in the Canes Venatici constellation, is located 290 million light-years away.

The popular Ukrainian space channel Alpha Centrauri reports that the glow is not an "alien invasion or a test of laser weaponry," but rather a well-known atmospheric phenomenon that is frequently observed.

"Most likely, this is an interesting atmospheric phenomenon called a 'Light Pillar.' It occurs under specific atmospheric conditions (pressure, humidity, and air temperature): at a relatively low altitude, nearly stationary symmetrical ice crystals (essentially, special 'snowflakes') form, reflecting light from a source on the ground and creating the illusion of such a pillar," the message states.

The authors of the Alpha Centrauri channel add that the corresponding "pillar" is actually directed "toward the ground, not away from it."

It was previously reported that a video of a rare natural phenomenon garnered millions of views. The footage of the phenomenon was captured at a mountain lake in the USA.

There were also reports of how a man saw something unfathomable in a frozen lake amidst the mountains. The footage shows frozen waves against the backdrop of mountains under a bright blue sky. Among the large ice chunks, air bubbles can be seen, frozen just beneath the surface.