In the Kharkiv region, residents of several localities captured photos of an unknown glow with a dark yellowish hue. The relevant images were shared by local social media pages.
Some users have already dubbed this phenomenon the "Eye of Sauron," which resonates with the name of a galaxy. However, according to open sources, the galaxy in question, NGC 4151, known as the "Eye of Sauron" in the Canes Venatici constellation, is located 290 million light-years away.
The popular Ukrainian space channel Alpha Centrauri reports that the glow is not an "alien invasion or a test of laser weaponry," but rather a well-known atmospheric phenomenon that is frequently observed.
"Most likely, this is an interesting atmospheric phenomenon called a 'Light Pillar.' It occurs under specific atmospheric conditions (pressure, humidity, and air temperature): at a relatively low altitude, nearly stationary symmetrical ice crystals (essentially, special 'snowflakes') form, reflecting light from a source on the ground and creating the illusion of such a pillar," the message states.
The authors of the Alpha Centrauri channel add that the corresponding "pillar" is actually directed "toward the ground, not away from it."
It was previously reported that a video of a rare natural phenomenon garnered millions of views. The footage of the phenomenon was captured at a mountain lake in the USA.
There were also reports of how a man saw something unfathomable in a frozen lake amidst the mountains. The footage shows frozen waves against the backdrop of mountains under a bright blue sky. Among the large ice chunks, air bubbles can be seen, frozen just beneath the surface.