The United Kingdom is experiencing an intriguing natural phenomenon known as "anticyclonic gloom," or "fog of the anticyclone," where the weather has been stuck in a rut of fog, haze, and low cloud cover for several weeks, with not even a glimpse of the sun on the horizon. This fully justifies its nickname, the Foggy Albion, a term given to Britain by the ancient Greeks. This is reported by Daily Mail.
Since October 28, most of England and Wales have seen little in the way of significant precipitation, aside from some light drizzling rain, although Scotland experienced downpours just last weekend.
The last day with extensive sunshine in the UK was October 27, although some weather stations recorded a few hours of bright sunshine on Halloween.
The weather in the country is dominated by high pressure, or an anticyclone, which blocks fronts that bring rain and leads to a prolonged dry spell.
While this situation often results in warm and sunny days with light winds during the summer months, in autumn and winter, it can lead to "anticyclonic gloom."
The meteorological office has confirmed that this week the UK is experiencing such a phenomenon: high pressure is trapping moisture near the surface of the Earth.
This moisture results in low clouds, haze, and fog that cannot rise and disperse due to the weak sunlight and wind, creating overcast weather.
As high pressure remains in place, the low clouds become denser overnight as temperatures drop and moisture condenses, which can also worsen air quality in cities due to the accumulation of pollutants.
Such dreary conditions were once memorably described by travel writer Bill Bryson, who wrote: "Sometimes it rained, but mostly it was just dreary, the earth without shadows."
One user commented on social media in response to a message from the meteorological center: "No wind and rain is great, but the heavy gloomy sky, oh my, is so oppressive. It's been like this all week, and your forecast for this week is the same. Just awful, I'm almost starting to feel claustrophobic."
Another remarked that they never thought that the inability to see the sky would have such a depressing effect on them.
Meanwhile, in Ukraine, foggy weather is also expected. However, the cold snap is being postponed, and it will be a bit warmer.