Friday03 January 2025

Is laziness truly detrimental to humans? Scientists hold a completely different perspective (video).

Scientists strongly disagree with the common belief that laziness leads to nothing good. On the contrary, it provides opportunities to rest, plan for the future, and discover unconventional ideas for implementation.
Лень на самом деле может быть полезной: ученые имеют совершенно противоположное мнение об этом. Узнайте больше в нашем видео!

The word "laziness" typically carries negative connotations for most people and suggests an individual who is unwilling to align their actions and activities with a proper schedule. However, specialists have investigated this phenomenon and reached entirely different conclusions, as reported by Time.

In one study, researchers aimed to determine how frequently people's thoughts tend to "wander" away from the issues or problems currently at hand. It turned out that respondents were most often thinking about the future (48% of the time), followed by the present (28%), and the past (12%), while the rest were contemplating something neutral or not thinking at all.

The media states that, based on this, brain activity demonstrates three key functions that our mind attempts to showcase when we feel like taking a break. Researchers identified three essential functions — rest, planning, and generating new ideas.

Regarding rest, our brain enters a state of relaxation, which also causes the entire nervous system to "switch off." When a person travels through their thoughts while in a state of inactivity, it allows our brain to regain focus. The best way to achieve this "mind wandering" effect is to combine familiar tasks with enjoyable activities. Creative pursuits, walking, or running without gadgets and music can serve this purpose well. Routine tasks (from washing dishes to dusting) can also positively affect brain activity.

When it comes to planning, studies show that in a state of "scattered attention," people think about the future fourteen times more often than when they are focused on their tasks. Therefore, contemplating long-term goals or plans is best done in a state of complete relaxation. Allowing ourselves strategic breaks can help individuals "remind themselves of their intentions and goals."

As for idea generation, researchers discovered an intriguing pattern — interesting ideas and thoughts often come to people when they are doing nothing. Simply put, insights are more likely to occur during relaxation than during routine activities. For instance, one might suddenly recall an idea they encountered weeks ago, which can help solve an ongoing problem and prevent future ones. It is during these "scattered attention" moments that unconventional and useful ideas often emerge.

"The best productivity tactics are those that return even more time for every minute invested in them, allowing us to achieve more and work more efficiently. I include laziness in this category. When we do nothing, it may appear that we are not being productive. But in reality, the opposite is true. You might want to indulge in laziness more often. Whether for brain rest, generating new ideas, or contemplating future plans — sometimes the best way to achieve success is to do absolutely nothing," the journalists from the publication assert.

We also discussed effective methods to combat laziness that will enhance your productivity. Experts outlined 10 steps to implement this strategy, starting with the simplest actions.