Many Ukrainians have attempted to leave their homes due to occupation, and unfortunately, sometimes they received bills for utilities for properties located in temporarily uncontrolled territories.

Lawyers from the Free Legal Aid organization have explained what to do in such cases.

Is it necessary to pay for utilities during occupation?

Occupying authorities often threaten confiscation of property for unpaid bills; however, Ukrainian legislation, particularly Law No. 2456-IX, does not have legal force in these territories.

As a result, citizens have several options: either find relatives or acquaintances who remain in those areas and can pay the bills, or wait for de-occupation and the restoration of legal order.

коммуналка, налоги, платежки

What to do if you receive a utility bill for a combat zone?

If hostilities are ongoing in occupied territories, utility charges for electricity should not be issued in the following cases:

Combat operations are taking place in the area;

The territory is controlled by Ukraine;

The housing is uninhabitable.

коммуналка, почта

In such situations, it is necessary to contact the utility provider and inform them of the circumstances. To do this, you need to send an email including the following information:

Address of the residential property;

Personal account number.

It is important to confirm that the housing has been destroyed or is uninhabitable.