The Security Service of Ukraine has reported suspicions against the former Deputy Minister of Social Policy, as his actions have caused losses to the state budget exceeding 24 million UAH.

Details were provided by the press service of the Security Service of Ukraine.

According to the investigation, during the full-scale invasion, this official entered into an illegal agreement with a commercial enterprise for the procurement of computer equipment for the Ministry's central office. This agreement was signed in violation of current legislation and did not align with the objectives of the cooperation project with the World Bank, under which the procurement of computer equipment was to take place, nor was it coordinated with the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

The results of the forensic economic examination confirmed that the agreement caused damage to the state budget amounting to over 24 million UAH.

Based on the collected evidence, the SBU investigators have announced suspicions against the former Deputy Minister under Part 2 of Article 367 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (dereliction of duty), which carries a penalty of imprisonment from two to five years, along with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions.

The investigation was conducted under the procedural guidance of the Office of the Prosecutor General. It is emphasized that according to Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, every person is presumed innocent of committing a crime until proven guilty in a court of law and a guilty verdict is rendered.